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West Florence HOSA Club Stop the Bleeding Drive

Please Support Our Drive to get Trauma & Bleeding Kits into our High School!
Together We Can be Prepared to Save Lives!

Stop the bleed

West Florence HOSA Club is hosting a Stop the Bleed Drive.

Our goal is to ensure that West Florence High School has the necessary supplies and equipment needed to provide appropriate, effective, and timely medical care during an emergency.

Mass casualty events have become far too common in public spaces and especially at schools. We want to protect our kids. The most preventable deaths at these incidents are secondary to uncontrolled bleeding. In response to the Sandy Hook shooting, in 2012, the American College of Surgeons and Stop the Bleeding Coalition both work to provide training and kits with supplies to enable non-medical-professionals to perform live-saving first-aid to bleeding victims.
 You can purchase Trauma & Bleeding Control Kits at this website (select Donate)to support our goal of supplying 40 kits to our high school. 
The Kits will be delivered directly to the high school at the end of the Drive.
Thank you for your Support!











Dave Heim donated: 1 Stop the Bleeding Coalition Trauma & Bleeding 1/4 Kit

Mar 13, 2019

A generous contributor donated: 1 Stop the Bleeding Coalition Trauma and Bleeding Kit
Thank you for all that you do for the students and the school.

Mar 11, 2019